Lampwork Bead Necklace Project with Wire Wrap

About This Design
Time: Approximately 1-2 hours
Level of Difficulty: All Levels (with Basic Wire Wrapping Knowledge)
Cost: Varies, depending on materials selected.
Approximately $30-35 as shown.
This is a fun necklace with carefree wire squiggles
that are alternated with some bright lampwork glass beads. Want to make this necklace, or a variation of it for yourself?
Let's get started!
Step 1
Gather Supplies
Notes: Decide how long you want your necklace to be.
I went for a standard 16 inch length, (less the added length for your choice of clasp).
- Fine 14KT GF wire (I am using half hard 24 gauge)
- Clasp of your choice. Here I am using a 14KT
gold filled toggle clasp
- About 12 medium sized glass beads of your
choice. Here I am using 12mm lampwork glass beads and rectangle window
glass beads
- 1 focal point charm bead. Here I am using a
dichroic glass heart bead
Need Supplies? Check my Jewelry Supply pages to find what you need!

Step 2
Begin creating wire wrap squiggles. Using round nose
pliers, wrap the wire back and forth creating a random squiggle pattern as large
or small as you wish for your design. Use a bead board or ruler to
determine length of components so you can make sure your necklace will be the
desired final length.
Using a basic wire wrap loop (see
instructions), connect the wire squiggle components to lamp work
glass beads, alternating beads in your design.

Step 3
Connect the clasp and focal bead
Connect one end of a glass bead to the toggle clasp components
using wire and your pliers. Attach the focal bead using a basic wire wrap
loop to the round portion of the toggle clasp so it slides and hangs
freely. That's it!
