Step-by-Step Basic Wire Wrap Jewelry Instructions
Making a Basic Loop
Once you learn this basic technique for making wire wrap loops, you will be making tons of amazing wire wrap jewelry in no time! It is not as hard as it looks and only takes a little practice to make you a pro. Just follow my step-by-step wire wrap jewelry instructions, and
don't be intimidated, your loops do not need to be perfect, really!
What you will need:
Step 1
String your bead onto a head pin. Hold the bead flat to the bottom of the head pin and bend/fold the wire over at a right angle, right across the top of your bead. You can either fold the wire with your pliers, or just push it with your fingers.
We'll demonstrate this technique by making an earring. Gather your components:

Slide a bead onto a headpin:

Step 2
Option 1 - If you just plan to make a basic round loop, grasp the wire and bend it flat to the top of the bead at a right angle.
Press the wire down with your thumb and fingers so the wire is flat and parallel to the top of the bead:

Step 3
Now, you will begin creating a round loop with your pliers. Grasp the wire about 1/4 inch from the bend with your thumb and palm facing up, and with a twist of your wrist forward, roll the wire up and around, trying to make a nice round loop. If it is easier, turn the wire to the side so you can visibly see the round bend as you are making it. The round nose pliers are used to shape the circular shape by twisting the wrist forward. When you first start, you will be holding the pliers with your thumb facing up,and as you begin to roll the wire into a circle, rotate your wrist so that your thumb ends up facing downwards.
In the picture below I have already rotated my wrist to get the first half of the round loop. I will then grasp the end of the wire, and pull it down and around the round nose pliers to complete the loop. Cut the wire where the loop closes.
Don't worry if you don't get it right the first time, practice will help!
Rotating my wrist to make a

Look at your loop, and adjust it with either set of pliers (squeeze the loop closed if you need to, or use the round pliers to round the shape back out and center it over the bead a little better). Snip off the excess wire with your flush cutters.
Pulling wire down and around to complete the round loop. Cut off excess wire where it joins the other wire and top of the bead:

You can open the loop a bit to attach it onto your component, then squeeze it shut again with your flat nose pliers. Make sure you open loops by separating and pulling the wire side-to-side and not by spreading it open and apart at the top (you will mess up the circular shape of the loop).
I have attached my loop to an earring component, and--ta dah! One earring is complete!

Designer's TIP - The size of your loops will vary depending on where you position the wire on the round-nose pliers. Notice the diameter of the plier tips get larger as it head back towards the handle. The closer you grab the wire towards the nose tip end of the pliers, the smaller the loop diameter will be. After practice you will learn what feels comfortable and looks best to you in your design. For uniform loops every time, make a mark with a Sharpie marker on the pliers at the exact spot that matches the loop diameter you want. This way you will always grab the wire in exactly the same place on the pliers, thereby getting exactly the same diameter loop every time! |
Note, you will need the
Adobe Acrobat Reader software. If you need Acrobat Reader for your computer, you
can download
it for free.
More Wire Wrapping
If you want to get really serious about wire
wrapping as a home jewelry business, then I suggest that you visit Preston
Ruether's wire sculpture website at
This highly successful training course and system is being used by jewelry
designers in more than 80 countries.
Lorri's Book Reviews for Wire Wrapping
Learn more about
wire wrapping, including more advanced designs by purchasing some books for your
personal library. Listed below are three books that I own and can
recommend, but there are obviously lots more out there. Happy reading!
"All Wired Up" is a great book for
learning some creative wire wrapping techniques beyond basic
loops. Step-by-step instructions with lots of
illustrations. Copy these designs or find inspiration to
make your own unique creations. |
"Making Bead & Wire Jewelry" is a
good book for beginners with 70 designs combining wire wrapping
techniques with beads.
"Moods in Wire" allows you to take your
wire wrapping techniques to the next level including making
wire-wrapped rings.